Ownership of Articles
Let's be straight-up about this. RVSnag would own the article once you gave us permission to post it. The reason for this is pretty simple. We are taking on a certain level of liability when we post your opinions or feature your travel photos, and if something goes wrong, we have to fight the good fight in court! I hope it never happens, but it's a real threat. This protects you as much as it does us! If you want to own your article forever-more, we supoort that, but posting on our website is probably a bad fit!
Liability & Slander/Defamation
We will work closely with you, especially in the beginning to make sure your article/blog fosters a sense of community, inspires families of all ages, sizes, and colors; at RVSnag our company and personal philosophy is all about inclusion. To this end, we do reserve the write ('right', it was a dad-joke, get it?) to edit, remove portions or in whole anything that you submit. Especially if it slanders or defames or increases our liability in any way. We all have bad trips, and horror stories about some of our trips (I have sites I won't go back to), but we made a decision a long time ago that those experiences could hurt their livelyhood and we just don't know if some of those people were having a bad day or just didn't like us - live and let live! It's because of this belief that we won't allow anything that could be perceived as hurtful to an individual or a business. With that said, if you have evidence of factual events (bad product experiences is a good example) we are willing to help you navigate the sensitive waters of writing your product review. At the end of the day we are looking for honesty, happy memories, and for everyone to get along!
Take Down Requests
For the sections above, from time to time, we get the occassional 'take down request'. This is typically in the form of "I posted a photo of someone at our camp site, and they didn't want their photo on your website" -- not a problem, we 100% understand and respect that. We can swap it out or make any necessary edits to an article to ensure individual rights are protected, and the entire RVSnag team is dedicated to that end.
Order of Terms, Servability, & Negation
Some quick legal points:
- Should any section above, in part or whole, be deemed non-enforceable all other sections should remain intact.
- From time to time we may update our Terms & Conditions (and other legal docs). We may not notify you when we do this, but they are always posted, and you can always request them; we aren't hiding our doing anythig sneaky, it's just hard to remember to email everyone over the years)
- If there is any ambguity or confusion in any of the above, then: 1) Don't sign up to be a guest author, and 2) Assume it's in RVSnag's favor in all regards.